Registration of medical equipment Uzbekistan
During state registration (re-registration) and making changes to the registration dossier in the Republic of Uzbekistan, medical equipment undergoes procedures for confirming its quality, safety, and effectiveness.

Laws and regulations governing the process of registration of medical equipment:
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 213 “On Approval of the Regulations on the Procedure for State Registration of Medicines, Medical Devices, and Medical Equipment and the Issuance of a Registration Certificate” dated 23 March 2019.
The following products are subject to registration:
- Devices and equipment based on the use of ionising radiation and other types of
- Radiation
- Diagnostic equipment and monitoring systems
- Surgical devices, anaesthesiology and resuscitation equipment
- Devices and accessories for dialysis, haemodialysis, plasmapheresis, and angiography
- Equipment and supplies for clinics and clinical diagnostic laboratories
- Kits of diagnostic tools, reagents and other laboratory diagnostic tools
- Hospital equipment
- ENT equipment
- Ophthalmology equipment
- Obstetrics and gynaecology equipment
- Dental equipment
- Physiotherapy equipment