Registration of cosmetic products in Uzbekistan
During state registration (re-registration) and making changes to the registration dossier in the Republic of Uzbekistan, cosmetic products and materials for cosmetology (hereinafter referred to as “CPMC”) undergo procedures for confirming their quality, safety, and effectiveness.
Laws and regulations governing the process of CPMC registration:
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 213 “On Approval of the Regulations on the Procedure for State Registration of Medicines, Medical Devices, and Medical Equipment and the Issuance of a Registration Certificate” dated 23 March 2019;
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 131 dated 30 April 2016 “On Approval of the Provisions on the Procedure for Undergoing Licensing Procedures in the System of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan”.
State bodies (hereinafter referred to as “SB”) participating in the process of CPMC registration:
State Unitary Enterprise State Centre for Expert Examination and Standardisation of Medicines, Medical Devices, and Medical Equipment of the State Unitary Enterprise of the Agency on Development of Pharmaceutical Industry under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter referred to as the “SCEEaS”);
Centre of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
What types of cosmetic products need to be registered?
- Perfumery and cosmetic products for artificial tanning
- Perfumery and cosmetic products for skin whitening (lightening)
- Tattoo cosmetics
- Intimate cosmetics
- Perfumery and cosmetic products for individual protection of the skin from exposure to harmful production factors
- Children’s cosmetics
- Perfumery and cosmetic products for chemical dyeing, lightening and highlighting of hair
- Perfumery and cosmetic products for perming and hair straightening
- Perfumery and cosmetic products manufactured using nanomaterials
- Perfumery and cosmetic products for hair removal (depilation)
- Chemical peels
- Fluorine-containing oral hygiene products, in which the mass fraction of fluorides exceeds 0.15% (for liquid oral hygiene products: 0.05%);
- Teeth whitening products containing hydrogen peroxide or other hydrogen peroxide releasing ingredients, including carbamide peroxide and zinc peroxide, with a concentration of hydrogen peroxide (as an ingredient or released) of 0.1% – 6.0%.