Licensing of activities in the area of nuclear power use in Kazakhstan

This license is required to arrange a set of measures to maintain the working and (or) serviceable condition of the equipment when used for its intended purpose, storage and (or) transportation, as well as repair

Лицензирование деятельности в области использования атомной энергии

The scope of activities includes:

In accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Permits and Notifications», licensing of the provision of services in the area of nuclear power use covers the following sub-activities:

  • Individual dosimetric control of personnel
  • •Control of operation quality of ionizing radiation sources
  • as well as devices, equipment, installations containing such sources or generating ionizing radiation
  • Determination of the content of radionuclides in
  • products, materials, environmental objects, radon and other radioactive gases concentration measurement
  • Territories, premises, workplaces, goods, materials, scrap metal, vehicles
  • radiation monitoring
  • Maintenance
  • (installation, dismantling, charging, recharging, repair of devices and installations, including those for medical purposes, containing radioisotope sources of ionizing radiation or generating ionizing radiation)

Licensing stages:

Preparation and compilation
of a license dossier
Submission of an electronic application
for obtaining of a license to carry out activities for the provision of services in the area of nuclear power use
Expert examination
of the license dossier for compliance with qualification requirements
Signing and issuing a license
for engaging in activities for the provision of services in the area of nuclear power use
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final price and terms procedures will be calculated according to your request