Analysis of marginal medical equipment prices Kazakhstan
The analysis of marginal medical equipment prices is carried out by the expert organisation, which is the Republican Enterprise on the Right of Economic Use National Centre for Expertise of Medicines and Medical Devices of the Committee for Medical and Pharmaceutical Control of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

How is the analysis of marginal medical equipment prices carried out?
Based on Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. KR DSM-247/2020 (№ ҚР ДСМ-247/2020) dated 11 December 2020 “On Approval of the Rules of Regulation and Formation of Marginal Prices and Markups for Medicines, as well as for Medical Devices within the Guaranteed Volume of Free Medical Care and (or) in the Framework of the Mandatory Social Health Insurance System”.
The analysis of marginal prices for medical devices is a mandatory procedure for medical devices purchased within the guaranteed volume of free medical care and (or) in the framework of the Mandatory Social Health Insurance system.
The analysis of marginal prices for medical equipment is carried out voluntarily:
- At the request with regard to participation in public procurement
- At the request of medical institutions or a potential buyer of medical equipment in order not to purchase products at an inflated price