Republic of Belarus - MedStandard

Republic of Belarus

Republican Unitary Enterprise “Center for Expertise and Testing in Healthcare”

Belarusian, Russian

5–9 months

Standard procedure

3–4 months

Simplified procedure

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated 02 August 2008, No.1269 “On Approval of the Regulation on State Registration (Re-registration) of Medical Devices and Medical Equipment”


Resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated 23 April 2015, No.55 “On a set of preliminary technical works preceding the state registration of medical devices” (in edition of August 23, 2023, No.120)

country resident


The process of medical device regulation in the Republic of Belarus:


Preparation of the registration dossier


Preliminary analysis of the registration dossier with the ability to make alterations


Submission of the application for the procedure


Initial examination of registration dossier


Sanitary-hygienic and technical expertise with provision of samples and receipt of the Certificate of expertise


Inspection of production site by the inspectors-auditors


Clinical trials

Conclusion of a contract for clinical trials.


Specialized examination of the registration dossier by specialists of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus with issuance of the Conclusion on compliance of medical devices with quality, safety and efficiency requirements


Session of the committee on medical devices of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus with the decision on state registration of medical devices and issuance of the Notification Letter


Issuance of registration certificate with placement of information in the state register of medical devices of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus

Final price and terms procedures will be calculated according to your request